High-fidelity multiphase flow simulation
No Matches
Case Files

Example Python case files, also referred to as input files, can be found in the examples/ directory. They print a Python dictionary containing input parameters for MFC. Their contents, and a guide to filling them out, are documented in the user manual. A commented, tutorial script can also be found in examples/3d_sphbubcollapse/.

Basic Skeleton

The skeleton for an input file may look like the following:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import json
# Configuring case dictionary
# Insert case parameters here

Thus, you can run your case file with Python to view the computed case dictionary that will be processed by MFC when you run:


This is particularly useful when computations are done in Python to generate the case.

(Optional) Accepting command line arguments

Input files can accept command line arguments, forwarded by run. Consider this example from the scaling case:

import json, argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Weak- and strong-scaling benchmark case.",
parser.add_argument("--mfc", type=json.loads, default='{}', metavar="DICT",
help="MFC's toolchain's internal state.")
parser.add_argument("-s", "--scaling", type=str, metavar="SCALING", choices=["weak", "strong"],
help="Whether weak- or strong-scaling is being exercised.")
# Your parsed arguments are here
args = parser.parse_args()

The --mfc argument is a JSON string representing run's internal state, passed in when MFC runs your input file. It contains all the runtime information you might want from the build/run system. You can add as many additional arguments and options as you may need.

To run such a case, use the following format:

./ run <path/to/> < run arguments> -- <case arguments>

For example, to run the scaling case in "weak-scaling" mode:

./ run examples/scaling/ -t pre_process -j 8 -- --scaling weak


There are multiple sets of parameters that must be specified in the python input file:

  1. Runtime Parameters
  2. Computational Domain Parameters
  3. Patch Parameters
  4. Immersed Boundary Patches
  5. Fluid Material's Parameters
  6. Simulation Algorithm Parameters
  7. Formatted Database and Structure Parameters
  8. (Optional) Acoustic Source Parameters
  9. (Optional) Ensemble-Averaged Bubble Model Parameters
  10. (Optional) Velocity Field Setup Parameters
  11. (Optional) Phase Change Parameters
  12. (Optional) Artificial Mach Number Parameters

Items 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 are optional sets of parameters that activate the acoustic source model, ensemble-averaged bubble model, initial velocity field setup, phase change, artificial Mach number respectively. Definition of the parameters is described in the following subsections.

1. Runtime

Parameter Type Description
run_time_info Logical Output run-time information
rdma_mpi Logical (GPUs) Enable RDMA for MPI communication.
  • run_time_info generates a text file that includes run-time information including the CFL number(s) at each time-step.
  • rdma_mpi optimizes data transfers between GPUs using Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA). The underlying MPI implementation and communication infrastructure must support this feature, detecting GPU pointers and performing RDMA accordingly.

2. Computational Domain

Parameter Type Description
x[y,z]_domain%beg[end] Real Beginning [ending] of the $x$[y,z]-direction domain
stretch_x[y,z] Logical Stretching of the mesh in the $x$[y,z]-direction
a_x[y,z] Real Rate at which the grid is stretched in the $x$[y,z]-direction
x[y,z]_a Real Beginning of the stretching in the negative $x$[y,z]-direction
x[y,z]_b Real Beginning of the stretching in the positive $x$[y,z]-direction
loops_x[y,z] Integer Number of times to recursively apply grid stretching
cyl_coord Logical Cylindrical coordinates (2D: Axisymmetric, 3D: Cylindrical)
m Integer Number of grid cells in the $x$-coordinate direction
n Integer Number of grid cells in the $y$-coordinate direction
p Integer Number of grid cells in the $z$-coordinate direction

The parameters define the boundaries of the spatial and temporal domains, and their discretization that are used in simulation.

  • [x,y,z]_domain%[beg,end] define the spatial domain in $x$, $y$, and $z$ Cartesian coordinates:

$$ x \in \left[ x \_ domain \% beg, x \_ domain \% end \right], y \in \left[ y \_ domain \% beg, y \_ domain \% end \right], z \in \left[ z \_ domain \% beg, z \_ domain \% end \right] $$

  • $m$, $n$, and $p$ define the number of finite volume cells that uniformly discretize the domain along the $x$, $y$, and $z$ axes, respectively. Note that the actual number of cells in each coordinate axis is given as $[m,n,p]+1$. For example, $m=n=p=499$ discretizes the domain into $500^3$ cells. When the simulation is 2D/axi-symmetric or 1D, it requires that $p=0$ or $p=n=0$, respectively.
  • stretch_[x,y,z] activates grid stretching in the $[x,y,z]$ directions. The grid is gradually stretched such that the domain boundaries are pushed away from the origin along a specified axis.
  • a_[x,y,z], [x,y,z]_a, and [x,y,z]_b are parameters that define the grid stretching function. When grid stretching along the $x$ axis is considered, the stretching function is given as:

$$ x_{cb,stretch} = x_{cb} + \frac{x_{cb}}{a_x} \Bigg[ \mathrm{log}\left[\mathrm{cosh} \left( \frac{a_x(x_{cb}-x_a)}{L} \right) \right] + \mathrm{log}\left[\mathrm{cosh} \left( \frac{a_x(x_{cb}-x_b)}{L} \right) \right] -2 \mathrm{log}\left[\mathrm{cosh} \left( \frac{a_x(x_b-x_a)}{2L} \right) \right] \Bigg] $$

where x_cb and x_[cb,stretch] are the coordinates of a cell boundary at the original and stretched domains, respectively. L is the domain length along the x axis: L=x_domain%end-x_domain%beg. Crudely speaking, x_a and x_b define the coordinates at which the grid begins to get stretched in the negative and positive directions along the $x$ axis, respectively. $a_x$ defines the smoothness of the stretching. Stretching along the $y$ and $z$ axes follows the same logistics. Optimal choice of the parameters for grid stretching is case-dependent and left to the user. loops_x[y,z] defines the number of times the grid stretching function is applied and has a default value of one.

  • cyl_coord activates cylindrical coordinates. The domain is defined in $x$-$y$-$z$ cylindrical coordinates, instead of Cartesian coordinates. Domain discretization is accordingly conducted along the axes of cylindrical coordinates. When $p=0$, the domain is defined on $x$-$y$ axi-symmetric coordinates. In both Coordinates, mesh stretching can be defined along the $x$- and $y$-axes. MPI topology is automatically optimized to maximize the parallel efficiency for given choice of coordinate systems.

3. Patches

Parameter Type Analytical Definition Description
num_patches Integer Not Supported Number of initial condition geometric patches.
num_fluids Integer Not Supported Number of fluids/components present in the flow.
geometry * Integer Not Supported Geometry configuration of the patch.
alter_patch(i) * Logical Not Supported Alter the $i$-th patch.
x[y,z]_centroid * Real Not Supported Centroid of the applied geometry in the $[x,y,z]$-direction.
length_x[y,z] * Real Not Supported Length, if applicable, in the $[x,y,z]$-direction.
radius * Real Not Supported Radius, if applicable, of the applied geometry.
smoothen * Logical Not Supported Smoothen the applied patch.
smooth_patch_id * Integer Not Supported A patch with which the applied patch is smoothened.
smooth_coeff * Real Not Supported Smoothen coefficient.
alpha(i) * Real Supported Volume fraction of fluid $i$.
alpha_rho(i) * Real Supported Partial density of fluid $i$.
pres * Real Supported Pressure.
vel(i) * Real Supported Velocity in direction $i$.
hcid * Integer N/A Hard coded patch id
cf_val * Real Supported Surface tension color function value
model_filepath String Not Supported Path to an STL or OBJ file (not all OBJs are supported).
model_scale(i) Real Not Supported Model's (applied) scaling factor for component $i$.
model_rotate(i) Real Not Supported Model's (applied) angle of rotation about axis $i$.
model_translate(i) Real Not Supported Model's $i$-th component of (applied) translation.
model_spc Integer Not Supported Number of samples per cell when discretizing the model into the grid.
model_threshold Real Not Supported Ray fraction inside the model patch above which the fraction is set to one.

*: These parameters should be prepended with patch_icpp(j)% where $j$ is the patch index.

The Table lists the patch parameters. The parameters define the geometries and physical parameters of fluid components (patch) in the domain at initial condition. Note that the domain must be fully filled with patche(s). The code outputs error messages when an empty region is left in the domain.

Analytical Definition of Primitive Variables

Some parameters, as described above, can be defined by analytical functions in the input file. For example, one can define the following patch:

'patch_icpp(2)%geometry' : 1,
'patch_icpp(2)%x_centroid' : 0.25,
'patch_icpp(2)%length_x' : 9.5,
'patch_icpp(2)%vel(1)' : 0.,
'patch_icpp(2)%pres' : 1.,
'patch_icpp(2)%alpha_rho(1)': '1 + 0.1*sin(20*x*pi)',
'patch_icpp(2)%alpha(1)' : 1.,

where alpha_rho is defined with the 1 + 0.1*sin(20*x*pi) function.

The expressions are interpreted as Fortran code, in the execution context and scope of the function that defines the patch. Additionally, the following variables are made available as shorthand:

Shorthand Expands To Shorthand Expands To Shorthand Expands To
x x_cc(i) lx The patch's length_x xc The patch's x_centroid
y y_cc(j) ly The patch's length_y yc The patch's y_centroid
z z_cc(k) lz The patch's length_z zc The patch's z_centroid
eps The patch's epsilon beta The patch's beta radii The patch's radii
tau_e The patch's tau_e r The patch's radius pi and e $\pi$ and $e$

where $(i,j,k)$ are the grid-indices of the current cell in each coordinate direction.

In the example above, the following code is generated:

if (patch_id == 2) then
q_prim_vf(contxb)%sf(i, 0, 0) = 1 + 0.1*sin(20*x_cc(i)*3.141592653589793)
end if

Hard Coded Patches

Some patch configurations are not adequately handled with the above analytic variable definitions. In this case, a hard coded patch can be used. Hard coded patches can be added by adding additional hard coded patch identifiers to src/pre_process/include/1[2,3]dHardcodedIC.fpp. For example, to add a 2D Hardcoded patch with an id of 200, one would add the following to src/pre_process/include/2dHardcodedIC.fpp

! primitive variables assignment

and use patch_icpp(i)%geometry = 7 and patch_icpp(i)%hcid = 200 in the input file. Additional variables can be declared in Hardcoded1[2,3]DVariables and used in hardcoded1[2,3]D. As a convention, any hard coded patches that are part of the MFC master branch should be identified as 1[2,3]xx where the first digit indicates the number of dimensions.

Parameter Descriptions

  • num_patches defines the total number of patches defined in the domain. The number has to be a positive integer.
  • num_fluids defines the total number of fluids defined in each of the patches. The number has to be a positive integer.
  • patch_icpp(j)%geometry defines the type of geometry of $j$-th patch by using an integer from 1 to 13. Definition of the patch type for each integer is listed in table Patch Types.
  • [x,y,z]_centroid, length_[x,y,z], and/or radius are used to uniquely define the geometry of the patch with given type. Requisite combinations of the parameters for each type can be found in is listed in table Patch types.
  • patch_icpp(j)%alter_patch(i) activates alternation of patch(i) with patch(j). For instance, in a 2D simulation, when a cylindrical patch(2) is immersed in a rectangular patch(1):
    • patch_icpp(1)%geometry = 3
    • patch_icpp(2)%geometry = 2
    • patch_icpp(2)%alter_patch(1) = 'T'
  • smoothen activates smoothening of the boundary of the patch that alters the existing patch. When smoothening occurs, fluids of the two patches are mixed in the region of the boundary. For instance, in the aforementioned case of the cylindrical patch immersed in the rectangular patch, smoothening occurs when patch_icpp(2)smoothen = 'T'. smooth_coeff controls the thickness of the region of smoothening (sharpness of the mixture region). The default value of smooth_coeff is unity. The region of smoothening is thickened with decreasing the value. Optimal choice of the value of smooth_coeff is case-dependent and left to the user.
  • patch_icpp(j)alpha(i), patch_icpp(j)alpha_rho(i), patch_icpp(j)pres, and patch_icpp(j)vel(i) define for $j$-th patch the void fraction of fluid(i), partial density of fluid(i), the pressure, and the velocity in the $i$-th coordinate direction. These physical parameters must be consistent with fluid material's parameters defined in the next subsection.
  • model_filepath defines the root directory of the STL or OBJ model file.
  • model_scale, model_rotate and model_translate define how the model should be transformed to domain-space by first scaling by model_scale, then rotating about the Z, X, and Y axes (using model_rotate), and finally translating by model_translate.
  • model_spc and model_threshold are ray-tracing parameters. model_spc defines the number of rays per cell to render the model. model_threshold defines the ray-tracing threshold at which the cell is marked as the model.

4. Immersed Boundary Patches

Parameter Type Description
geometry Integer Geometry configuration of the patch.
x[y,z]_centroid Real Centroid of the applied geometry in the [x,y,z]-direction.
length_x[y,z] Real Length, if applicable, in the [x,y,z]-direction.
radius Real Radius, if applicable, of the applied geometry.
theta Real Angle of attach applied to airfoil IB patches
c Real NACA airfoil parameters (see below)
t Real NACA airfoil parameters (see below)
m Real NACA airfoil parameters (see below)
p Real NACA airfoil parameters (see below)
slip Logical Apply a slip boundary
model_filepath String Path to an STL or OBJ file (not all OBJs are supported).
model_scale(i) Real Model's (applied) scaling factor for component $i$.
model_rotate(i) Real Model's (applied) angle of rotation about axis $i$.
model_translate(i) Real Model's $i$-th component of (applied) translation.
model_spc Integer Number of samples per cell when discretizing the model into the grid.
model_threshold Real Ray fraction inside the model patch above which the fraction is set to one.

These parameters should be prepended with patch_ib(j)% where $j$ is the patch index.

Parameter Descriptions

  • geometry defines the type of geometry of a patch with an integer number. Definitions for currently implemented patch types are list in table Immersed Boundary Patch Type
  • x[y,z]_centroid is the centroid location of the patch in the x[y,z]-direction
  • length_x[y,z] is the length of the patch in the x[y,z]-direction.
  • radius is the radius to be used for circular patches.
  • theta allows for the angle of attach of airfoil patches to be changed.
  • c, t, p, and m specify the parameters for a NACA airfoil. m is the maximum camber, p is the location of maximum camber, c is the coord length, and t is the thickness. Additional details on this specification can be found in The Naca Airfoil Series
  • slip applies a slip boundary to the surface of the patch if true and a no-slip boundary condition to the surface if false.
  • Please see Patch Parameters for the descriptions of model_filepath, model_scale, model_rotate, model_translate, model_spc, and model_threshold.

5. Fluid Material’s

Parameter Type Description
gamma Real Stiffened-gas parameter $\Gamma$ of fluid.
pi_inf Real Stiffened-gas parameter $\Pi_\infty$ of fluid.
Re(1) * Real Shear viscosity of fluid.
Re(2) * Real Volume viscosity of fluid.
cv ** Real Sffened-gas parameter $c_v$ of fluid.
qv ** Real Stiffened-gas parameter $q$ of fluid.
qvp ** Real Stiffened-gas parameter $q'$ of fluid.
sigma Real Surface tension coefficient

Fluid material's parameters. All parameters except for sigma should be prepended with fluid_pp(i) where $i$ is the fluid index.

*: Parameters that work only with model_eqns = 2.

**: Parameters that work only with model_eqns = 3.

The table lists the fluid material's parameters. The parameters define material's property of compressible fluids that are used in simulation.

  • fluid_pp(i)%gamma and fluid_pp(i)%pi_inf define $\Gamma$ and $\Pi$ as parameters of $i$-th fluid that are used in stiffened gas equation of state.
  • fluid_pp(i)%Re(1) and fluid_pp(i)%Re(2) define the shear and volume viscosities of $i$-th fluid, respectively.

When these parameters are undefined, fluids are treated as inviscid. Details of implementation of viscosity in MFC can be found in Coralic (2015).

  • fluid_pp(i)%cv, fluid_pp(i)%qv, and fluid_pp(i)%qvp define $c_v$, $q$, and $q'$ as parameters of $i$-th fluid that are used in stiffened gas equation of state.

6. Simulation Algorithm

Parameter Type Description
bc_[x,y,z]%beg[end] Integer Beginning [ending] boundary condition in the $[x,y,z]$-direction (negative integer, see table Boundary Conditions)
bc_[x,y,z]%vb[1,2,3]Real Velocity in the (x,1), (y, 2), (z,3) direction applied to bc_[x,y,z]%beg
bc_[x,y,z]%ve[1,2,3]Real Velocity in the (x,1), (y, 2), (z,3) direction applied to bc_[x,y,z]%end
model_eqns Integer Multicomponent model: [1] $\Gamma/\Pi_\infty$; [2] 5-equation; [3] 6-equation; [4] 4-equation
alt_soundspeed * Logical Alternate sound speed and $K \nabla \cdot u$ for 5-equation model
adv_n Logical Solving directly for the number density (in the method of classes) and compute void fraction from the number density
mpp_lim Logical Mixture physical parameters limits
mixture_err Logical Mixture properties correction
time_stepper Integer Runge–Kutta order [1-3]
adap_dt Logical Strang splitting scheme with adaptive time stepping
weno_order Integer WENO order [1,3,5]
weno_eps Real WENO perturbation (avoid division by zero)
mapped_weno Logical WENO-M (WENO with mapping of nonlinear weights)
wenoz Logical WENO-Z
wenoz_q Real WENO-Z power parameter q (only for WENO7)
teno Logical TENO (Targeted ENO)
teno_CT Real TENO threshold for smoothness detection
null_weights Logical Null WENO weights at boundaries
mp_weno Logical Monotonicity preserving WENO
riemann_solver Integer Riemann solver algorithm: [1] HLL*; [2] HLLC; [3] Exact*
low_Mach Integer Low Mach number correction for HLLC Riemann solver: [0] None; [1] Pressure (Chen et al. 2022); [2] Velocity (Thornber et al. 2008)
avg_state Integer Averaged state evaluation method: [1] Roe average*; [2] Arithmetic mean
wave_speeds Integer Wave-speed estimation: [1] Direct (Batten et al. 1997); [2] Pressure-velocity* (Toro 1999)
weno_Re_flux Logical Compute velocity gradient using scalar divergence theorem
weno_avg Logical Arithmetic mean of left and right, WENO-reconstructed, cell-boundary values
dt Real Time step size
t_step_start Integer Simulation starting time step
t_step_stop Integer Simulation stopping time step
t_step_save Integer Frequency to output data
t_step_print Integer Frequency to print the current step number to standard output (default 1)
cfl_adap_dt Logical CFL based adaptive time-stepping
cfl_const_dt Logical CFL based non-adaptive time-stepping
cfl_target Real Specified CFL value
n_start Integer Save file from which to start simulation
t_save Real Time duration between data output
t_stop Real Simulation stop time
surface_tension Logical Activate surface tension
viscous Logical Activate viscosity
  • * Options that work only with model_eqns = 2.
  • † Options that work only with cyl_coord = 'F'.
  • ‡ Options that work only with bc_[x,y,z]%[beg,end] = -15 and/or bc_[x,y,z]%[beg,end] = -16.

The table lists simulation algorithm parameters. The parameters are used to specify options in algorithms that are used to integrate the governing equations of the multi-component flow based on the initial condition. Models and assumptions that are used to formulate and discritize the governing equations are described in Bryngelson et al. (2019). Details of the simulation algorithms and implementation of the WENO scheme can be found in Coralic (2015).

  • bc_[x,y,z]%[beg,end] specifies the boundary conditions at the beginning and the end of domain boundaries in each coordinate direction by a negative integer from -1 through -12. See table Boundary Conditions for details.
  • bc_[x,y,z]%vb[1,2,3] specifies the velocity in the (x,1), (y,2), (z,3) direction applied to bc_[x,y,z]%beg when using bc_[x,y,z]%beg = -16. Tangential velocities require viscosity, weno_avg = T, and bc_[x,y,z]%beg = -16 to work properly. Normal velocities require bc_[x,y,z]%end = -15 or \bc_[x,y,z]%end = -16 to work properly.
  • bc_[x,y,z]%ve[1,2,3] specifies the velocity in the (x,1), (y,2), (z,3) direction applied to bc_[x,y,z]%beg when using bc_[x,y,z]%end = -16. Tangential velocities require viscosity, weno_avg = T, and bc_[x,y,z]%end = 16 to work properly. Normal velocities require bc_[x,y,z]%end = -15 or \bc_[x,y,z]%end = -16 to work properly.
  • model_eqns specifies the choice of the multi-component model that is used to formulate the dynamics of the flow using integers from 1 through 3. model_eqns = 1, 2, and 3 correspond to $\Gamma$-$\Pi_\infty$ model (Johnsen, 2008), 5-equation model (Allaire et al., 2002), and 6-equation model (Saurel et al., 2009), respectively. The difference of the two models is assessed by (Schmidmayer et al., 2019). Note that some code parameters are only compatible with 5-equation model.
  • alt_soundspeed activates the source term in the advection equations for the volume fractions, $K\nabla\cdot \underline{u}$, that regularizes the speed of sound in the mixture region when the 5-equation model is used. The effect and use of the source term are assessed by Schmidmayer et al., 2019.
  • adv_n activates the direct computation of number density by the Riemann solver instead of computing number density from the void fraction in the method of classes.
  • mpp_lim activates correction of solutions to avoid a negative void fraction of each component in each grid cell, such that $\alpha_i>\varepsilon$ is satisfied at each time step.
  • mixture_err activates correction of solutions to avoid imaginary speed of sound at each grid cell.
  • time_stepper specifies the order of the Runge-Kutta (RK) time integration scheme that is used for temporal integration in simulation, from the 1st to 5th order by corresponding integer. Note that time_stepper = 3 specifies the total variation diminishing (TVD), third order RK scheme (Gottlieb and Shu, 1998).
  • adap_dt activates the Strang operator splitting scheme which splits flux and source terms in time marching, and an adaptive time stepping strategy is implemented for the source term. It requires bubbles = 'T', polytropic = 'T', adv_n = 'T' and time_stepper = 3.
  • weno_order specifies the order of WENO scheme that is used for spatial reconstruction of variables by an integer of 1, 3, 5, and 7, that correspond to the 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th order, respectively.
  • weno_eps specifies the lower bound of the WENO nonlinear weights. It is recommended to set weno_eps to $10^{-6}$ for WENO-JS, and to $10^{-40}$ for other WENO variants.
  • mapped_weno activates the WENO-M scheme in place of the default WENO-JS scheme (Henrick et al., 2005). WENO-M a variant of the WENO scheme that remaps the nonlinear WENO-JS weights by assigning larger weights to non-smooth stencils, reducing dissipation compared to the default WENO-JS scheme, at the expense of higher computational cost. Only one of mapped_weno, wenoz, and teno can be activated.
  • wenoz activates the WENO-Z scheme in place of the default WENO-JS scheme (Borges et al., 2008). WENO-Z is a variant of the WENO scheme that further reduces the dissipation compared to the WENO-M scheme. It has similar computational cost to the WENO-JS scheme.
  • wenoz_q specifies the power parameter q used in the WENO-Z scheme. It controls how aggressively the smoothness coefficients scale the weights. A higher value of wenoz_q increases the sensitivity to smoothness, improving stability but worsening numerical dissipation. For WENO3 and WENO5, q=1 is fixed, so wenoz_q must not be set. For WENO7, wenoz_q can be set to 2, 3, or 4.
  • teno activates the TENO scheme in place of the default WENO-JS scheme (Fu et al., 2016). TENO is a variant of the ENO scheme that is the least dissipative, but could be less robust for extreme cases. It uses a threshold to identify smooth and non-smooth stencils, and applies optimal weights to the smooth stencils. Only available for weno_order = 5 and 7. Requires teno_CT to be set. Does not support grid stretching.
  • teno_CT specifies the threshold for the TENO scheme. This dimensionless constant, also known as $C_T$, sets a threshold to identify smooth and non-smooth stencils. Larger values make the scheme more robust but also more dissipative. A recommended value for teno_CT is 1e-6. When adjusting this parameter, it is recommended to try values like 1e-5 or 1e-7 for TENO5. A smaller value can be used for TENO7.
  • null_weights activates nullification of the nonlinear WENO weights at the buffer regions outside the domain boundaries when the Riemann extrapolation boundary condition is specified (bc_[x,y,z]%beg[end]} = -4).
  • mp_weno activates monotonicity preservation in the WENO reconstruction (MPWENO) such that the values of reconstructed variables do not reside outside the range spanned by WENO stencil (Balsara and Shu, 2000; Suresh and Huynh, 1997).
  • riemann_solver specifies the choice of the Riemann solver that is used in simulation by an integer from 1 through 3. riemann_solver = 1, 2, and 3 correspond to HLL, HLLC, and Exact Riemann solver, respectively (Toro, 2013).
  • low_Mach specifies the choice of the low Mach number correction scheme for the HLLC Riemann solver. low_Mach = 0 is default value and does not apply any correction scheme. low_Mach = 1 and 2 apply the anti-dissipation pressure correction method (Chen et al., 2022) and the improved velocity reconstruction method (Thornber et al., 2008). This feature requires riemann_solver = 2 and model_eqns = 2.
  • avg_state specifies the choice of the method to compute averaged variables at the cell-boundaries from the left and the right states in the Riemann solver by an integer of 1 or 2. avg_state = 1 and 2 correspond to Roe- and arithmetic averages, respectively.
  • wave_speeds specifies the choice of the method to compute the left, right, and middle wave speeds in the Riemann solver by an integer of 1 and 2. wave_speeds = 1 and 2 correspond to the direct method (Batten et al., 1997), and indirect method that approximates the pressures and velocity (Toro, 2013), respectively.
  • weno_Re_flux activates the scalar divergence theorem in computing the velocity gradients using WENO-reconstructed cell boundary values. If this option is false, velocity gradient is computed using finite difference scheme of order 2 which is independent of the WENO order.
  • weno_avg it activates the arithmetic average of the left and right, WENO-reconstructed, cell-boundary values. This option requires weno_Re_flux to be true because cell boundary values are only utilized when employing the scalar divergence method in the computation of velocity gradients.
  • surface_tension activates surface tension when set to 'T'. Requires sigma to be set and num_fluids. The color function in each patch should be assigned such that patch_icpp(i)cf_val = 1 in patches where patch_icpp(i)alpha = 1 - eps and patch_icpp(i)cf_val = 0 in patches where patch_icpp(i)alpha = eps.
  • viscous activates viscosity when set to 'T'. Requires Re(1) and Re(2) to be set.

Constant Time-Stepping

  • dt specifies the constant time step size used in the simulation. The value of dt needs to be sufficiently small to satisfy the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) condition.
  • t_step_start and t_step_end define the time steps at which the simulation starts and ends.

t_step_save is the time step interval for data output during simulation. To newly start the simulation, set t_step_start = 0. To restart the simulation from $k$-th time step, set t_step_start = k; see Restarting Cases.

Adaptive Time-Stepping

  • cfl_adap_dt enables adaptive time stepping with a constant CFL when true
  • cfl_const_dt enables constant dt time-stepping where dt results in a specified CFL for the initial condition
  • cfl_target specifies the target CFL value
  • n_start specifies the save file to start at
  • t_save specifies the time interval between data output during the simulation
  • t_stop specifies at what time the simulation should stop

To newly start the simulation, set n_start = 0. To restart the simulation from $k$-th time step, see Restarting Cases.

7. Formatted Output

Parameter Type Description
format Integer Output format. [1]: Silo-HDF5; [2] Binary
precision Integer [1] Single; [2] Double
parallel_io Logical Parallel I/O
file_per_process Logical Whether or not to write one IO file per process
cons_vars_wrt Logical Write conservative variables
prim_vars_wrt Logical Write primitive variables
alpha_rho_wrt(i) Logical Add the partial density of the fluid $i$ to the database |
rho_wrt Logical Add the mixture density to the database
mom_wrt(i) Logical Add the $i$-direction momentum to the database
vel_wrt(i) Logical Add the $i$-direction velocity to the database
E_wrt Logical Add the total energy to the database
pres_wrt Logical Add the pressure to the database
alpha_wrt(i) Logical Add the volume fraction of fluid $i$ to the database
gamma_wrt Logical Add the specific heat ratio function to the database
heat_ratio_wrt Logical Add the specific heat ratio to the database
pi_inf_wrt Logical Add the liquid stiffness function to the database
pres_inf_wrt Logical Add the liquid stiffness to the formatted database
c_wrt Logical Add the sound speed to the database
omega_wrt(i) Logical Add the $i$-direction vorticity to the database
schlieren_wrt Logical Add the numerical schlieren to the database
qm_wrt Logical Add the Q-criterion to the database
fd_order Integer Order of finite differences for computing the vorticity and the numerical Schlieren function [1,2,4]
schlieren_alpha(i) Real Intensity of the numerical Schlieren computed via alpha(i)
probe_wrt Logical Write the flow chosen probes data files for each time step
num_probes Integer Number of probes
probe(i)%[x,y,z] Real Coordinates of probe $i$
output_partial_domain Logical Output part of the domain
[x,y,z]_outputbeg Real Beginning of the output domain in the [x,y,z]-direction
[x,y,z]_outputend Real End of the output domain in the [x,y,z]-direction

The table lists formatted database output parameters. The parameters define variables that are outputted from simulation and file types and formats of data as well as options for post-processing.

  • format specifies the choice of the file format of data file outputted by MFC by an integer of 1 and 2. format = 1 and 2 correspond to Silo-HDF5 format and binary format, respectively.
  • precision specifies the choice of the floating-point format of the data file outputted by MFC by an integer of 1 and 2. precision = 1 and 2 correspond to single-precision and double-precision formats, respectively.
  • parallel_io activates parallel input/output (I/O) of data files. It is highly recommended to activate this option in a parallel environment. With parallel I/O, MFC inputs and outputs a single file throughout pre-process, simulation, and post-process, regardless of the number of processors used. Parallel I/O enables the use of different numbers of processors in each process (e.g., simulation data generated using 1000 processors can be post-processed using a single processor).
  • file_per_process deactivates shared file MPI-IO and activates file per process MPI-IO. The default behavior is to use a shared file. File per process is useful when running on >10K ranks. If file_per_process is true, then pre_process, simulation, and post_process must be run with the same number of ranks.
  • cons_vars_wrt and prim_vars_wrt activate the output of conservative and primitive state variables into the database.
  • [variable's name]_wrt activates the output of each specified variable into the database.
  • schlieren_alpha(i) specifies the intensity of the numerical Schlieren of $i$-th component.
  • fd_order specifies the order of the finite difference scheme used to compute the vorticity from the velocity field and the numerical schlieren from the density field using an integer of 1, 2, and 4. fd_order = 1, 2, and 4 correspond to the first, second, and fourth-order finite difference schemes.
  • probe_wrt activates the output of state variables at coordinates specified by probe(i)%[x;y,z].
  • output_partial_domain activates the output of part of the domain specified by [x,y,z]_outputbeg and [x,y,z]_outputend. This is useful for large domains where only a portion of the domain is of interest. It is not supported when precision = 1 and format = 1. It also cannot be enabled with flux_wrt, heat_ratio_wrt, pres_inf_wrt, c_wrt, omega_wrt, ib, schlieren_wrt, or qm_wrt.

8. Acoustic Source

Parameter Type Description
acoustic_source Logical Acoustic source module activation
num_source Integer Number of acoustic sources
acoustic(i)%support Integer Geometry of spatial support for the acoustic source
acoustic(i)%dipole Logical Dipole source activation (optional; default = false -> monopole)
acoustic(i)%loc(j) Real $j$-th coordinate of the point that defines the acoustic source location
acoustic(i)%pulse Integer Acoustic wave form: [1] Sine [2] Gaussian [3] Square [4] Broadband
acoustic(i)%npulse Real Number of pulse cycles
acoustic(i)%mag Real Pulse magnitude
acoustic(i)%frequency Real Sine/Square - Frequency of the acoustic wave (exclusive)
acoustic(i)%wavelength Real Sine/Square - Wavelength of the acoustic wave (exclusive)
acoustic(i)%gauss_sigma_time Real Gaussian - Gaussian pulse time width in terms of sigma (exclusive)
acoustic(i)%gauss_sigma_dist Real Gaussian - Gaussian pulse spatial width in terms of sigma (exclusive)
acoustic(i)%delay Real Time delay of the acoustic wave (optional for %pulse = 1 or 3; default = 0)
acoustic(i)%dir Real Planer - Direction of acoustic propagation
acoustic(i)%length Real 2D/3D Planer - Spatial pulse length
acoustic(i)%height Real 3D Planer - Spatial pulse height
acoustic(i)%foc_length Real Transducer - Focal length of the transducer
acoustic(i)%aperture Real Transducer - Aperture of the transducer
acoustic(i)%num_elements Integer Transducer array - Number of transducer elements in a transducer array
acoustic(i)%element_on Integer Transducer array - Element number that is on (optional; default = 0 -> all elements)
acoustic(i)%element_spacing_angle Real 2D Transducer array - Spacing angle (in rad) between adjacent transducer elements
acoustic(i)%element_polygon_ratio Real 3D Transducer array - Ratio of polygon side length to transducer element radius
acoustic(i)%rotate_angle Real 3D Transducer array - Rotation angle of the transducer array (optional; default = 0)
acoustic(i)%bb_num_freq integer Number of frequencies in broadband wave
acoustic(i)%bb_bandwidth Real The bandwidth of each frequency in the broadband wave
acoustic(i)%bb_lowest_freq Real The lower frequency bound of the broadband wave

Details of the transducer acoustic source model can be found in Maeda and Colonius (2017).

  • acoustic_source activates the acoustic source module.
  • num_source defines the total number of source planes by an integer.
  • %support specifies the choice of the geometry of acoustic source distribution. See table Acoustic Supports for details.
  • %dipole changes the default monopole (one-sided) source to a dipole source. It is only available for planar waves.
  • %loc(j) specifies the location of the acoustic source in the $j$-th coordinate direction. For planer support, the location defines midpoint of the source plane. For transducer arrays, the location defines the center of the transducer or transducer array (not the focal point; for 3D it's the tip of the spherical cap, for 2D it's the tip of the arc).
  • %pulse specifies the acoustic wave form. %pulse = 1, 2, 3 and 4 correspond to sinusoidal wave, Gaussian wave, square wave and broadband wave, respectively. The implementation of the broadband wave is based on Tam (2005)
  • %npulse specifies the number of cycles of the acoustic wave generated. Only applies to %pulse = 1 and 3 (sine and square waves), and must be an integer for non-planar waves.
  • %mag specifies the peak amplitude of the acoustic wave.
  • %frequency and %wavelength specify the frequency and wavelength of the acoustic wave, respectively. These parameters are exclusive and exactly one of them must be specified for %pulse = 1 or 3 (sine or square waves). They are related by the speed of sound in the medium: frequency = speed_of_sound / wavelength.
  • %gauss_sigma_time and %gauss_sigma_dist specify the time and spatial widths of the Gaussian pulse in terms of sigma, respectively. In particular, %gauss_sigma_time is the standard deviation in the Gaussian equation. These parameters are exclusive and exactly one of them must be specified for %pulse = 2 (Gaussian wave). They are related by the speed of sound in the medium: gauss_sigma_dist = speed_of_sound * gauss_sigma_time.
  • %delay specifies the time delay of the acoustic wave. This parameter is optional for %pulse = 1 or 3 (sine or square waves) and defaults to 0. It must be specified for %pulse = 2 (Gaussian wave). It is important to note that setting the delay to 0 for a Gaussian pulse results in a half-Gaussian pulse, and delays that are too small may result in the pulse being cut off at the start of the simulation. 4*gauss_sigma_time is a typical value for the delay of a Gaussian pulse.
  • %dir specifies the direction of acoustic wave propagation for planar waves. The direction is defined by the angle in degrees from the x-axis in the x-y plane. It applies to both 2D and 3D simulation of planar waves (support is infinite in z-direction for 3D).
  • %length specifies the spatial length of the 2D or 3D planar wave. It is the length of the source plane perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation.
  • %height specifies the spatial height of the planar wave. Since %dir is in the x-y plane, the height is perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation.
  • %foc_length specifies the focal length of the transducer for transducer waves. It is the distance from the transducer to the focal point.
  • %aperture specifies the aperture of the transducer. It is the diameter of the projection of the transducer arc onto the y-axis (2D) or spherical cap onto the y-z plane (3D). Set the aperture to double the focal length to simulate a transducer enclosing half of the circle/sphere. For the transducer array, it is the total aperture of the array.
  • %num_elements specifies the number of transducer elements in a transducer array.
  • %element_on specifies the element number of the transducer array that is on. The element number starts from 1, if all elements are on, set %element_on to 0.
  • %element_spacing_angle specifies the spacing angle between adjacent transducers in radians. The total aperture (%aperture) is set, so each transducer element is smaller if %element_spacing_angle is larger.
  • %element_polygon_ratio specifies the ratio of the polygon side length to the aperture diameter of each transducer element in a circular 3D transducer array. The polygon side length is calculated by using the total aperture (%aperture) as the circumcircle diameter and %num_elements as the number of sides of the polygon. The ratio is used to specify the aperture size of each transducer element in the array as a ratio of the total aperture.
  • %rotate_angle specifies the rotation angle of the 3D circular transducer array along the x-axis (principal axis). It is optional and defaults to 0.
  • %bb_num_freq specifies the number discretized frequencies in the broadband acoustic wave. If %bb_num_freq is 1, the acoustic wave will be a discrete tone (i.e. single frequency sine wave).
  • %bb_bandwidth specifies the bandwidth of the discretized frequencies.
  • %bb_lowest_freq specifies the lower frequency bound of the broadband acoustic wave. The upper frequency bound will be calculated as %bb_lowest_freq + %bb_num_freq * %bb_bandwidth. The wave is no longer broadband below the lower bound and above the upper bound.

9. Sub-grid Bubble Models

Parameter Type Description
bubbles_euler Logical Ensemble-averaged bubble modeling
bubbles_lagrange Logical Volume-averaged bubble modeling
bubble_model Integer [1] Gilmore; [2] Keller–Miksis
mu_l0 * Real Liquid viscosity (only specify in liquid phase)
ss * Real Surface tension (only specify in liquid phase)
pv * Real Vapor pressure (only specify in liquid phase)
gamma_vReal Specific heat ratio
M_vReal Molecular weight
mu_vReal Viscosity
k_vReal Thermal conductivity
cp_vReal Specific heat capacity

These options work only for gas-liquid two-component flows. Component indexes are required to be 1 for liquid and 2 for gas.

  • * These parameters should be prepended with patch index $1$ that is filled with liquid: fluid_pp(1)%.
  • † These parameters should be prepended with patch indexes filled with liquid and gas: fluid_pp(1)% and fluid_pp(2)%.

This table lists the sub-grid bubble model parameters, which can be utilized in both the ensemble-averaged and volume-averaged bubble models.

  • bubbles_euler activates the ensemble-averaged bubble model.
  • bubbles_lagrange activates the volume-averaged bubble model.
  • bubble_model specified a model for spherical bubble dynamics by an integer of 1 and 2. bubble_model = 1, 2, and 3 correspond to the Gilmore, Keller-Miksis, and Rayleigh-Plesset models.
  • mu_l0, ss, and pv, gamma_v, M_v, mu_v, k_v, and cp_v specify simulation parameters for the non-polytropic gas compression model. mu_l0, ss, and pv correspond to the liquid viscosity, surface tension, and vapor pressure, respectively. gamma_v, M_v, mu_v, k_v, and cp_v specify the specific heat ratio, molecular weight, viscosity, thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity of a chosen component (cp_v only for bubbles_lagrange = 'T'). Implementation of the parameters into the model follow Ando (2010).

9.1 Ensemble-Averaged Bubble Model

Parameter Type Description
bubbles_euler Logical Ensemble-averaged bubble modeling
polytropic Logical Polytropic gas compression
thermal Integer Thermal model: [1] Adiabatic; [2] Isothermal; [3] Transfer
R0ref Real Reference bubble radius
polydisperse Logical Polydispersity in equilibrium bubble radius R0
nb Integer Number of bins: [1] Monodisperse; [$>1$] Polydisperse
poly_sigma Real Standard deviation for probability density function of polydisperse bubble populations
R0_type Integer Quadrature rule for probability density function of polydisperse bubble populations
Ca Real Cavitation number
Web Real Weber number
Re_inv Real Inverse Reynolds number
qbmm Logical Quadrature by method of moments
dist_type Integer Joint probability density function for bubble radius and velocity (only for qbmm = 'T')
sigR Real Standard deviation for the probability density function of bubble radius (only for qbmm = 'T') (EE)
sigV Real Standard deviation for the probability density function of bubble velocity (only for qbmm = 'T') (EE)
rhoRV Real Correlation coefficient for the joint probability density function of bubble radius and velocity (only for qbmm = 'T')

This table lists the ensemble-averaged bubble model parameters.

  • polytropic activates polytropic gas compression in the bubble. When polytropic = 'F', the gas compression is modeled as non-polytropic due to heat and mass transfer across the bubble wall with constant heat and mass transfer coefficients based on (Preston et al., 2007).
  • thermal specifies a model for heat transfer across the bubble interface by an integer from 1 through 3. thermal = 1, 2, and 3 correspond to no heat transfer (adiabatic gas compression), isothermal heat transfer, and heat transfer with a constant heat transfer coefficient based on Preston et al., 2007, respectively.
  • polydisperse activates polydispersity in the bubble model through a probability density function (PDF) of the equilibrium bubble radius.
  • R0ref specifies the reference bubble radius.
  • nb specifies the number of discrete bins that define the probability density function (PDF) of the equilibrium bubble radius.
  • R0_type specifies the quadrature rule for integrating the log-normal PDF of equilibrium bubble radius for polydisperse populations. R0_type = 1 corresponds to Simpson's rule.
  • poly_sigma specifies the standard deviation of the log-normal PDF of equilibrium bubble radius for polydisperse populations.
  • Ca, Web, and Re_inv respectively specify the Cavitation number, Weber number, and the inverse Reynolds number that characterize the offset of the gas pressure from the vapor pressure, surface tension, and liquid viscosity when the polytropic gas compression model is used.
  • qbmm activates quadrature by method of moments, which assumes a PDF for bubble radius and velocity.
  • dist_type specifies the initial joint PDF of initial bubble radius and bubble velocity required in qbmm. dist_type = 1 and 2 correspond to binormal and lognormal-normal distributions respectively.
  • sigR specifies the standard deviation of the PDF of bubble radius required in the QBMM feature.
  • sigV specifies the standard deviation of the PDF of bubble velocity required in the QBMM feature.
  • rhoRV specifies the correlation coefficient of the joint PDF of bubble radius and bubble velocity required in the QBMM feature.

9.2 Volume-Averaged Bubble Model

Parameter Type Description
bubbles_lagrange Logical Lagrangian subgrid bubble model switch
nBubs_glb Integer Global number of bubbles
solver_approach Integer 1: One-way coupling, 2: two-way coupling
cluster_type Integer Method to find p_inf
pressure_corrector Logical Cell pressure correction term
smooth_type Integer Smoothing function. 1: Gaussian, 2:Delta 3x3
heatTransfer_model Logical Activates the interface heat transfer model
massTransfer_model Logical Activates the interface mass transfer model
write_bubbles Logical Write files to track the bubble evolution each time step
write_bubbles_stats Logical Write the maximum and minimum radius of each bubble
epsilonb Real Standard deviation scaling for the gaussian function
charwidth Real Domain virtual depth (z direction, for 2D simulations)
valmaxvoid Real Maximum void fraction permitted
c0 Real Reference speed
rho0 Real Reference density
T0 Real Reference temperature
x0 Real Reference length
Thost Real Temperature of the surrounding liquid (host)
diffcoefvap Real Vapor diffusivity in the gas
rkck_adap_dt Logical Activates the adaptive rkck time stepping algorithm
rkck_tolerance Real Admissible error truncation tolerance in the rkck stepper
  • nBubs_glb Total number of bubbles. Their initial conditions need to be specified in the ./input/lag_bubbles.dat file. See the example cases for additional information.
  • solver_approach Specifies the Euler-Lagrange coupling method: [1] enables a one-way coupling approach, where the bubbles do not influence the Eulerian field. [2] activates the two-way coupling approach based on Maeda and Colonius (2018), where the effect of the bubbles is added in the Eulerian field as source terms.
  • cluster_type Specifies method to find p_inf (pressure that drives the bubble dynamics): [1] activates the bilinear interpolation of the pressure field, while [2] enables the bubble dynamic closure based on Maeda and Colonius (2018), the full model is obtained when pressure_corrector is true.
  • smooth_type Specifies the smoothening method of projecting the lagrangian bubbles in the Eulerian field: [1] activates the gaussian kernel function described in Maeda and Colonius (2018), while [2] activates the delta kernel function where the effect of the bubble is only seen in the specific bubble location cell.
  • heatTransfer_model Activates the heat transfer model at the bubble's interface based on (Preston et al., 2007).
  • massTransfer_model Activates the mass transfer model at the bubble's interface based on (Preston et al., 2007).
  • rkck_adap_dt Activates the adaptive 4th/5th order Runge—Kutta–Cash–Karp (RKCK) time-stepping algorithm (requires time_stepper ==4). A maximum error between the 4th and 5th order Runge-Kutta-Cash-Karp solutions for the same time step size is calculated. If the error is smaller than a tolerance (rkck_tolerance), then the algorithm employs the 5th order solution, while if not, both eulerian/lagrangian variables are re-calculated with a smaller time step size.

10. Velocity Field Setup

Parameter Type Description
perturb_flow Logical Perturb the initial velocity field by random noise
perturb_flow_fluid Integer Fluid density whose flow is to be perturbed
perturb_flow_mag Real Set the magnitude of flow perturbations
perturb_sph Logical Perturb the initial partial density by random noise
perturb_sph_fluid Integer Fluid component whose partial density is to be perturbed
mixlayer_vel_profile Logical Set the mean streamwise velocity to hyperbolic tangent profile
mixlayer_vel_coef Real Coefficient for the hyperbolic tangent profile of a mixing layer
mixlayer_perturb Logical Perturb the initial velocity field by instability waves
mixlayer_domain Real Domain size of a mixing layer for the linear stability analysis

The table lists velocity field parameters. The parameters are optionally used to define initial velocity profiles and perturbations.

  • perturb_flow activates the perturbation of initial velocity by random noise.
  • perturb_flow_fluid specifies the fluid component whose flow will be perturbed.
  • perturb_flow activates the perturbation of initial velocity by random noise.
  • perturb_sph activates the perturbation of initial partial density by random noise.
  • perturb_sph_fluid specifies the fluid component whose partial density is to be perturbed.
  • mixlayer_vel_profile activates setting the mean streamwise velocity to a hyperbolic tangent profile. This option works only for 2D and 3D cases.
  • mixlayer_vel_coef is a parameter for the hyperbolic tangent profile of a mixing layer when ‘mixlayer_vel_profile = 'T’`. The mean streamwise velocity profile is given as:

$$ u = patch_icpp(1)%vel(1) * tanh(y_cc * mixlayer_vel_profile) $$

  • mixlayer_perturb activates the perturbation of initial velocity by instability waves obtained from linear stability analysis for a mixing layer with hyperbolic tangent mean streamwise velocity profile. This option only works for n > 0, bc_y%[beg,end] = -6, num_fluids = 1, model_eqns = 2 and ‘mixlayer_vel_profile = 'T’`.
  • mixlayer_domain defines the domain size to compute spatial eigenvalues of the linear instability analysis when ‘mixlayer_perturb = 'T’. For example, the spatial eigenvalue inx` direction in 2D problem will be $2 \pi \alpha / (mixlayer_domain*patch_icpp(1)%length_y)$ for $\alpha = 1$, $2$ and $4$.

11. Phase Change Model

Parameter Type Description
relax Logical Activates Phase Change model
relax_model Integer Phase change model: [5] pT-equilibrium; [6] pTg-equilibrium
palpha_eps Real tolerance of the Newton Solver to activate pT-equilibrium
ptgalpha_eps Real tolerance of the Newton Solver to activate pTg-equilibrium
  • relax Activates the Phase Change model.
  • relax_model Specifies the phase change model to be used: [5] enables pT-equilibrium, while [6] activates pTg-equilibrium (if criteria are met).
  • palpha_eps Specifies the tolerance for the Newton Solvers used in the pT-equilibrium model.
  • ptgalpha_eps Specifies the tolerance used for the Newton Solvers used in the pTg-equilibrium model.

12. Artificial Mach Number

Parameter Type Description
pi_fac Real Ratio of artificial and true pi_\infty values
  • pi_fac specifies the ratio of artificial and true pi_\infty values (= artificial pi_\infty / true pi_\infty). This parameter enables the use of true pi_\infty in bubble dynamics models when the pi_\infty given in the file is an artificial value.

13. Body Forces

Parameter Type Description
bf_x[y,z] Logical Enable body forces in the x[y,z] direction
k_x[y,y] Real Magnitude of oscillating acceleration
w_x[y,z] Real Frequency of oscillating acceleration
p_x[y,z] Real Phase shift of oscillating acceleration
g_x[y,z] Real Magnitude of background acceleration

k_x[y,z], w_x[y,z], p_x[y,z], and g_x[y,z] define an oscillating acceleration in the x[y,z] direction with the form

$$ a_{x[y,z]} = g_{x[y,z]} + k_{x[y,z]}\sin\left(w_{x[y,z]}t + p_{x[y,z]}\right). $$

By convention, positive accelerations in the x[y,z] direction are in the positive x[y,z] direction.

14. Cylindrical Coordinates

When cyl_coord = 'T' is set in 3D the following constraints must be met:

  • bc_ybeg = -14 enables the axis boundary condition
  • bc_zbeg = bc_zend = -1 enables periodic boundary conditions in the azimuthal direction
  • z_domainbeg = 0 sets the azimuthal starting point to 0
  • z_comainend = 2*math.pi to set the azimuthal ending point to $2\pi$ (note, requires import math in the case file)

When cyl_coord = 'T' is set in 2D the following constraints must be met:

  • bc_ybeg = -2 to enable reflective boundary conditions


Boundary conditions

# Type Description
-1 Normal Periodic
-2 Normal Reflective
-3 Normal Ghost cell extrapolation
-4 Normal Riemann extrapolation
-5 Characteristic Slip wall
-6 Characteristic Non-reflecting subsonic buffer
-7 Characteristic Non-reflecting subsonic inflow
-8 Characteristic Non-reflecting subsonic outflow
-9 Characteristic Force-free subsonic outflow
-10 Characteristic Constant pressure subsonic outflow
-11 Characteristic Supersonic inflow
-12 Characteristic Supersonic outflow
-14 Normal Axis *
-15 Normal Slip wall
-16 Normal No-slip wall

*: This boundary condition is only used for bc_y%beg when using cylindrical coordinates (cyl_coord = 'T' and 3D). For axisymmetric problems, use bc_y%beg = -2 with cyl_coord = 'T' in 2D.

The boundary condition supported by the MFC are listed in table Boundary Conditions. Their number (#) corresponds to the input value in labeled bc_[x,y,z]%[beg,end] (see table Simulation Algorithm Parameters). The entries labeled "Characteristic." are characteristic boundary conditions based on Thompson (1987) and Thompson (1990).

Generalized Characteristic Boundary conditions

Parameter Type Description
bc_[x,y,z]grcbc_in Logical Enable grcbc for subsonic inflow
bc_[x,y,z]grcbc_out Logical Enable grcbc for subsonic outflow (pressure)
bc_[x,y,z]grcbc_vel_out Logical Enable grcbc for subsonic outflow (pressure + normal velocity)
bc_[x,y,z]vel_in Real Array Inflow velocities in x, y and z directions
bc_[x,y,z]vel_out Real Array Outflow velocities in x, y and z directions
bc_[x,y,z]pres_in Real Inflow pressure
bc_[x,y,z]pres_out Real Outflow pressure
bc_[x,y,z]alpha_rho_in Real Array Inflow density
bc_[x,y,z]alpha_in Real Array Inflow void fraction

This boundary condition can be used for subsonic inflow (bc_[x,y,z]%[beg,end] = -7) and subsonic outflow (bc_[x,y,z]%[beg,end] = -8) characteristic boundary conditions. These are based on Pirozzoli (2013). This enables to provide inflow and outflow conditions outside the computational domain.

Patch types

# Name Dim. Smooth Description
1 Line segment 1 N Requires x_centroid and length_x.
2 Circle 2 Y Requires [x,y]_centroid and radius.
3 Rectangle 2 N Coordinate-aligned. Requires [x,y]_centroid and length_[x,y].
4 Sweep line 2 Y Not coordinate aligned. Requires [x,y]_centroid and normal(i).
5 Ellipse 2 Y Requires [x,y]_centroid and radii(i).
6 N/A 2 N No longer exists. Empty.
7 2D Hardcoded 2 N Assigns the primitive variables as analytical functions.
8 Sphere 3 Y Requires [x,y,z]_centroid and radius
9 Cuboid 3 N Coordinate-aligned. Requires [x,y,z]_centroid and length_[x,y,z].
10 Cylinder 3 Y Requires [x,y,z]_centroid, radius, and length_[x,y,z].
11 Sweep plane 3 Y Not coordinate-aligned. Requires x[y,z]_centroid and normal(i).
12 Ellipsoid 3 Y Requires [x,y,z]_centroid and radii(i).
13 3D Hardcoded 3 N Assigns the primitive variables as analytical functions
14 Spherical Harmonic 3 N Requires [x,y,z]_centroid, radius, epsilon, beta
15 1D Hardcoded 1 N Assigns the primitive variables as analytical functions
16 1D bubble pulse 1 N Requires x_centroid, length_x
17 Spiral 2 N Requires [x,y]_centroid
18 2D Varcircle 2 Y Requires [x,y]_centroid, radius, and thickness
19 3D Varcircle 3 Y Requires [x,y,z]_centroid, length_z, radius, and thickness
20 2D Taylor-Green Vortex 2 N Requires [x,y]_centroid, length_x, length_y, vel(1), and vel(2)
21 Model 2 & 3 Y Imports a Model (STL/OBJ). Requires model%filepath.

The patch types supported by the MFC are listed in table Patch Types. This includes types exclusive to one-, two-, and three-dimensional problems. The patch type number (#) corresponds to the input value in labeled patch_icpp(j)%geometry where $j$ is the patch index. Each patch requires a different set of parameters, which are also listed in this table.

Immersed Boundary Patch Types

# Name Dim.
2 2D Circle 2
3 2D Rectangle 2
4 2D Airfoil 2
8 3D Sphere 3
10 3D Cylinder 3
11 3D Airfoil 3

Acoustic Supports

# Name Dim. Requirements
1 Planar source 1D %loc(1), %pulse, %npulse, %mag, and %dir
2 Planar source 2D #1 requirements, %loc(2) and %length
3 Planar source 3D #2 requirements and %height
5 Cylindrical Transducer 2D %loc(1), %loc(2), %pulse, %npulse, %mag, %foc_length, %aperture
6 Spherical Transducer 2D-Axisym #5 requirements
7 Spherical Transducer 3D #5 requirements and %loc(3)
9 Arcuate Transducer Array 2D #5 requirements, %num_elements, %element_on, %element_spacing_angle
10 Annular Transducer Array 2D-Axisym #9 requirements
11 Circular Transducer Array 3D #7 requirements, %element_polygon_ratio, and %rotate_angle

The required parameters for each acoustic support type are listed in Acoustic Source. The acoustic support number (#) corresponds to the acoustic support type Acoustic(i)%support, where $i$ is the acoustic source index. For each %parameter, prepend the parameter with acoustic(i)%.

Additional requirements for all acoustic support types:

  • acoustic_source = 'T' must be used to activate the acoustic source module.
  • num_source must be set to the total number of acoustic sources.
  • %support must be set to the acoustic support number in the table.
  • %dipole is only supported for planar sources.
  • %npulse = 1 or 3 requires exactly one of %frequency or %wavelength to be set. It accepts %delay as an optional parameter (default = 0).
  • %npulse = 2 requires exactly one of %gauss_sigma_time or %gauss_sigma_space to be set. It requires %delay to be set.

Description of the acoustic support types:

  • %support = 1 specifies an infinite source plane that is normal to the $x$-axis and intersects with the axis at $x=$ %loc(1) in 1D simulation. %dir > 0 specifies a rightward propagating wave, and %dir < 0 specifies a leftward propagating wave. %dir = 0 is not allowed.
  • %support = 2 specifies a semi-infinite source plane in 2D simulation. The midplane location is [%loc(1), %loc(2)] and the normal vector is [$\mathrm{cos}$(%dir), $\mathrm{sin}$(%dir)]. The length of the source plane is %length, and the plane is perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation (defined by %dir).
  • %support = 3 specifies a semi-infinite source plane in 3D simulation. The midplane location is [%loc(1), %loc(2)] and the normal vector is [$\mathrm{cos}$(%dir), $\mathrm{sin}$(%dir)]. The length of the source plane is %length, and the plane is perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation (defined by %dir). Note that the plane is infinite in the $z$-direction, so %loc(3) is not required.
  • %support = 5 specifies a circular transducer in 2D simulation. The transducer is centered at [%loc(1), %loc(2)] with a focal length of %foc_length and an aperture of %aperture. The center location is not the focal point; it is the tip of the circular arc (intersection of the arc and the x-axis). The aperture is the length of the projection of the circular arc onto the y-axis. If a semi-circle is desired, set the aperture to double the focal length. Note that this is physically a cylindrical transducer, and due to the complexity of Green's function for 2D wave, no closed-form solution is available for the 2D circular transducer, and an approximate is used (see Maeda and Colonius (2017) for details). For the mass source term correction factor, the theoretical approximation factor of -0.5 in ($r_{foc}^{-0.5}$) is replaced by an empirically determined factor of -0.85.
  • %support = 6 specifies a spherical transducer in 2D axisymmetric simulation. It is identical to %support = 5 in terms of simulation parameters. Note that this is physically a spherical 3D transducer, so the equation is exact.
  • %support = 7 specifies a spherical transducer in 3D simulation. The transducer is centered at [%loc(1), %loc(2), %loc(3)] with a focal length of %foc_length and an aperture of %aperture. The center location is not the focal point; it is the tip of the spherical cap (intersection of the cap and the x-axis). The aperture is the diameter of the projection of the spherical cap onto the y-z plane. If a semi-sphere is desired, set the aperture to double the focal length. Again, the equation is exact.
  • %support = 9 specifies an arcuate transducer array in 2D simulation. The total aperture of the array is %aperture, which is similar to %support = 5. The parameters %num_elements and %element_spacing_angle specify the number of transducer elements and the spacing angle. The spacing angle is the angle of the gap between adjacent transducer elements in the array. Because the total aperture is set, each transducer element is smaller if the spacing angle is larger. Physically it represents curved panels. Note that similar to %support = 5, the mass source term correction factor is empirically determined to be -0.85.
  • %support = 10 specifies an annular transducer array in 2D axisymmetric simulation. It is identical to %support = 9 in terms of simulation parameters. It physically represents the a annulus obtained by revolving the arc in %support = 9 around the x-axis.
  • %support = 11 specifies a circular transducer array in 3D simulation. The total aperture of the array is %aperture, which is similar to %support = 7. The parameters %num_elements, %element_polygon_ratio, and %rotate_angle specify the number of transducer elements, the ratio of the polygon side length to the transducer element radius, and the rotation angle of the array. The polygon side length is calculated by using the total aperture as the circumcicle diameter, and the number of sides of the polygon as %num_elements. The ratio is used specify the aperture size of each transducer element in the array, as a ratio of the total aperture. The rotation angle is optional and defaults to 0. Physically it represents a circular ring of transducer elements.

Conservative Variables Ordering

5-eqn 6-eqn
num_fluids continuity variables num_fluids continuity variables
num_dims momentum variables num_dims momentum variables
1 energy variable 1 energy variable
num_fluids advection variables num_fluids advection variables
N/A num_fluids internal energy variables

The above variables are used for all simulations.

5-eqn 6-eqn
sub-grid bubble variables N/A
hypoelastic variables N/A

The above variables correspond to optional physics.

Primitive Variables Ordering

5-eqn 6-eqn
num_fluids densities num_fluids densities
num_dims velocities num_dims velocities
1 pressure 1 pressure
num_fluids volume fractions num_fluids volume fractions
N/A num_fluids partial pressures

The above variables are used for all simulations.

5-eqn 6-eqn
sub-grid bubble variables N/A
hypoelastic variables N/A

The above variables correspond to optional physics.