High-fidelity multiphase flow simulation
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Performance Results

MFC has been benchmarked on several CPUs and GPU devices. This page shows a summary of these results.

Expected time-steps/hour

The following table outlines observed performance as nanoseconds per grid point (ns/GP) per right-hand side evaluation (lower is better). We solve an example 3D, inviscid, 5-equation model problem with two advected species (a total of 8 PDEs). The numerics are WENO5 and the HLLC approximate Riemann solver. We report results for various numbers of grid points per CPU die (or GPU device) and hardware.

Hardware 1M GPs 4M GPs 8M GPs Compiler Computer
NVIDIA V100 1 device 96 104 104 NVHPC 22.11 PACE Phoenix
NVIDIA V100 1 device 101 104 104 NVHPC 22.11 OLCF Summit
NVIDIA A100 1 device 71 56 59 NVHPC 23.5 Wingtip
AMD MI250X 1 GCD 108 90 96 CCE 16.0.1 OLCF Frontier
Intel Xeon Gold 6226 12 cores 1963 1688 1686 GNU 10.3.0 PACE Phoenix
Apple M2 6 cores 2919 245 4500 GNU 13.2.0 N/A

All results are in nanoseconds (ns) per grid point (gp) per right-hand side (rhs) evaluation. Lower is better.

Weak scaling

Weak scaling results are obtained by increasing the problem size with the number of processes so that work per process remains constant.


MFC weask scales to (at least) 65,536 AMD MI250X GPUs on OLCF Frontier with 96% efficiency. This corresponds to 87% of the entire machine.


MFC weak scales to (at least) 13,824 V100 NVIDIA V100 GPUs on OLCF Summit with 97% efficiency. This corresponds to 50% of the entire machine.

IBM Power9 CPU

MFC Weak scales to 13,824 Power9 CPU cores on OLCF Summit to within 1% of ideal scaling.

Strong scaling

Strong scaling results are obtained by keeping the problem size constant and increasing the number of processes so that work per process decreases.


For these tests, the base case utilizes 8 GPUs with one MPI process per GPU. The performance is analyzed at two different problem sizes of 16M and 64M grid points, with the base case using 2M and 8M grid points per process.

16M Grid Points

64M Grid Points

IBM Power9 CPU

CPU strong scaling tests are done with problem sizes of 16, 32, and 64M grid points, with the base case using 2, 4, and 8M cells per process.